Where are you located and how far will you travel?
We are based out of London, Ontario, Canada. Generally, we will travel up to 150km outside of London to satisfy a client request. Farther than that it becomes cost prohibitive, as travel fees increase. At that point we may be able to recommend a musical group in your local area or region. Our brochure contains detailed travel fee information

What is included in the cost of a wedding?
The fee for a wedding includes prelude music while the guests are being seated. This is typically between 20 and 30 minutes before the ceremony is scheduled to begin. Within the ceremony, any or all of the components can be accompanied by live music (e.g. processional, signing of the register, communion, lighting of the candle etc.) Finally, we play recessional and exit music if required.

What are your fees?
Our fees are based on the duration of the event, type of ensemble, any travel costs as well as incidental fees (e.g. rehearsal with soloists, arranging etc.)

Do you have a brochure?
Yes we do. Our current brochure is available as a PDF. To view or download the most recent Da Capo Strings brochure click here

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How can we hear you play live?
In prior years, we would arrange sessions with confirmed clients to hear us play through selections etc. However, with the clips on the website as well as a CD which can be purchased (for $5) this is no longer a necessity. As well, we have a regular booth at the Bridal Shows in London (both at the Convention Center and the Western Fair)

How do we book DaCapo Strings?
Requests and bookings can be handled either through our Request Form, emailing us or by calling 519.641.1951 and leaving pertinent information

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